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Buraku Problem Q&A

Many journalists, researchers and students from abroad come to visit us at the BLHRRI. Although they come from different parts of the world, they come to us to learn more about Buraku problems and ask for much information. Among the many questions asked us, we picked out those most frequently asked in these occasions, and will try to answer them as a new series of"Q&A"in this news letter. We hope this will be a help in understanding Buraku problems.

    Q Why was the Buraku formed in this period?

    A During the period from the end of the 16th century to the 17th century, there were frequent riots caused by Buddhist (IKKO sect) or peasant in Japan. The military commanders in the age of civil strife, ODA NOBUNAGA, TOYOTOMI HIDEYOSI and the Shogun TOKUGAWA IEYASU were occasionally unable to manage them.

    As system in order to divide people's unity and to get them to decrease their power against authority. For that purpose the Burakumin was placed at the very bottom of the social structure.

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