BLHRRI kicked off a Korea-Japan joint research project

On October 29, we had a kick-off meeting of a Korea-Japan Joint Research Project on Guidelines on Corporate Responsibility for Human Rights in Seoul with the Center for Corporate Social Responsibility (CCSR), who had lead research activities on the situation of corporate responsibility for human rights in Korea including the support for creating a self-checking tool by the Human Rights Commission of Korea. Hankyoreh Ecinomic Research Institute (HERI) supported to hold this kick-off meeting.

As the first stage of the joint research project, we started with the brief introduction of the research activities and situation of Japan (BLHRRI) and exchange opinions. We plan to hold the next meeting in Osaka, Japan, to share the experience of Korea.

We really thank President Kyung Soo Jung and Secretary-general Mr. Yong-goo Kim of CCSR, and President Won Jae Lee of HERI for their warm welcome and kind cooperation.


<PDF files of presentation material in the meeting>

- Guideline on Corporate Responsibility for Human Rights (presentation material, PDF)

- Examples of good practices in Japan based on the analysis on CSR reports of fiscal 2009 (presentation material, PDF)

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