BLHRRI's English publications

Reality of Buraku Discrimination in Japan

History, Situation and Challenges



History 1: From the Early Modern to the Modern Ages

Discriminated-against People in the Early Modern Age

Performers in the Early Modern Age

Gravestones with Discriminatory Kaimyo (posthumous names)

The Feudal Class System

The Shibuzome Uprising (1856)

The Emancipation Edict (1871)

The Peasant Riots against the Emancipation Edict (1871-1877)

The Declaration of the Levelers Association and its General Policy (1922)

History 2: From the Foundation of the Levelers Association to the Resumption of the Buraku Liberation Movement after World War II

The Flag with a Crown of Thorns

Mr. Jiichiro Matsumoto (1887-1966)

The Serada Village Incident (1925)

The Denunciation Struggle against Marriage Discrimination in Takamatsu (1933)

The National Committee for Buraku Liberation (1946-1955)

History 3: Internationalization and Improvement of the Human Rights Situation

The “All Romance” Struggle (1951)

Petition Drive Seeking State Measures for Buraku Liberation

The Sayama Case (1963)

Mr. Kazuo Ishikawa’s Release on Parole

The “Buraku Lists”

Discriminatory Remarks During the Third World Conference on Religion and Peace

The Campaign for the Ratification of International Covenants (1977-1979)

The International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism (IMADR)


Campaign for Free Provision of Textbooks

The National Dowa Educators’ Association

The Children’s Association for Buraku Liberation

The Literacy Movement

Korean Ethnic School


Slaughter-house Employment


Recycling Copper Wires

Garbage Collection

Drum Making

The Reality of Buraku Discrimination and Today’s Liberation Movement:

Urban Buraku Communities-Before the Enactment of the Special Measures Laws

Urban Buraku Communities-After the Enactment of the Special Measures Laws

Rural Buraku Communities-Before the Enactment of the Special Measures Laws

Former Rural Buraku Communities-After the Enactment of the Laws

Conditions of Undesignated Buraku Community

Marriage Discrimination

Discrimination on the Internet

Discriminatory Background Investigation Incident

Illegal Obtainment of Copies of the Family Register

Discriminatory Placards

Threats by a University Student

The Role of the Mass-Media

The National Campaign for the Enactment of the Fundamental Law for Buraku Liberation

The Reality of Buraku Discrimination:

Financial status of Buraku Households

Employment Status of Workers in Buraku

Annual Income of Workers in Buraku

Educational Achievement of Buraku People

Enrollment in School of Buraku People

Details of Human Rights Violation Faced by Buraku People

Attitude of Parents of Non-Buraku Origin Regarding the Marriage of their Children

Edited and published in 2001 by

International Movement Against ALl Forms of Discrimination and Racism (IMADR)

IMADR-Japan Committee

Buraku Liberation League (BLL)

Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute (BLHRRI)

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