BLHRRI's English publications
The year 2005 sees the 60th anniversary of the end of the World War II, and the 50 the anniversary of the launch of the mass-movement for the elimination of Buraku discrimination in Japan This publication traces back the post-war history of Buraku liberation |
Photo Document of the Post-war 60 Years
Development of the Buraku Liberation Movement
Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute
Published: November 2004
90 pages
Price: \1,500
If you wish to buy one, please contact us at: udhr@blhrriorg
I A Renewed Step towards Buraku Liberation 1945-1954
- Defeat and Buraku (September 1945
- Rebuilding the Buraku Liberation Movement (February 1946)
- Enforcement of the Japanese Constitution (May 1947)
- Jiichiro Matsumoto to be Elected as a Member of the House of Councilors (April 1947)
- Adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (December 1948)
- Denunciation against "All Romance" Magazine (October 1951)
- Denunciation Struggle against Mr Nishikawa, a member of the Wakayama Prefectural Assembly (February 1952)
- Denunciation against Yoshiwa Junior High School (June 1952)
- Formation of the National Council of Dowa Education Research (May 1953)
II Various Steps towards Buraku Liberation 1955-1964
- Name Changed to the Buraku Liberation League (August 1955)
- The First National Women's Assembly for Buraku Liberation (March 1956)
- The Asahi Shimbun Publishes "Appeals of Three Million Buraku People" Series (December 1956)
- The First National Youth Assembly for Buraku Liberation (July 1957)
- National Congress Urges the Creation of State Policies for Buraku Liberation (January 1958)
- Documentary Film "All Humans are Brothers" (March 1960)
- The Bridge for Friendship between Japan and China
- Incident at the Mitsui Coal Mining Miike Labor Union (April 1960)
- Involvement in the Ampo Struggle (June 1960)
- Nationwide March Demanding the Establishment of State Policies for the Liberation of Buraku (1961)
- Struggle for the Free Provision of School Textbooks
- Sayama Discrimination Case (May 1963)
- Shinodayama Self-Defense Forces Discrimination Incident (January 1964)
- Creation of Literacy Classes
- ColumnJ What is the Buraku Problem?
III Gearing up towards the Liberation of Buraku 1965-1974
- Report of the Dowa Measures Council (August 1965)
- Jinshin" Family Registration Records Struggle (January 1968)
- Foundation of the Buraku Liberation Research Institute (August 1968)
- Yata Education Discrimination Incident (March 1969)
- Shinshu Otani Sect Namba-betsuin Incident (July 1969)
- Enactment of the Law on Special Measures for Dowa Projects (July 1969)
- Denunciation against a Discriminatory Investigation by a Commercial Inquiry Agency (November 1969)
- The 1st National Assembly of Buraku Scholarship Students (November 1969)
- Development of Learning Materials for Dowa Education
- Sukumo Marriage Discriminatory Incident (May 1972)
- Development of National Standard for Job Application Forms (March 1973)
- Tokyo High Court Decision on the Sayama Case (October 1974)
- Creation of the Buraku Liberation Literary Prize (1974)
IV Broader Alliance for Buraku Liberation 1975-1984
- Incident of the Buraku List (November 1975)
- Formation of the Central Joint Struggle Conference for Buraku Liberation (December 1975)
- Local Industrial Federations on the Dowa Problem
- The First "Festival for Struggle" (November 1978)
- Ratification of the International Covenants on Human Rights (June 1979)
- Discriminatory Remarks at the Third World Conference on Religion and Peace (August 1979)
- International Symposium on Human Rights (December 1980)
- Inauguration of the Matsumoto Jiichiro Memorial Hall (April 1982)
- ColumnK What is the Buraku Liberation Movement?
V Start of a New Stage towards Liberation of Buraku 1985-1994
- Enactment of Ordinance Regulating Personal Background Investigation in Buraku Origin by Osaka Prefecture (March 1985)
- Launching of the Movement for the Enactment of a Fundamental Law for Buraku Liberation (May 1985)
- Inauguration of Liberty Osaka (December 1985)
- Proposal for the Third Stage of the Buraku Liberation Movement (October 1987)
- Foundation of the International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism (IMADR) (January 1988)
- Discriminatory Information via Packet Communication System (May 1989)
- Welcome Rally for Nelson Mandela, the Deputy President of the African National Congress (October 1990)
- President Uesugi Accredited as Honorable Citizen of Ogori City, Fukuoka Prefecture (November 1992)
- IMADR Acquires UN Human Rights NGO Status (March 1993)
- Ordinance on the Elimination of Buraku Discrimination and the Promotion of Human Rights Enacted by Anan City, Tokushima Prefecture (June 1993)
- Discriminatory Placards by a resident in Kishiwada City, Osaka Prefecture
- Participation in the 70th Anniversary of the Hyongpyongsa (April 1993)
- Survey to Grasp the Actual Conditions of Dowa Areas Conducted by the Government (November 1993)
- Establishment of the Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center (December 1994)
- Release of Kazuo Ishikawa on Parole (December 1994)
VI Liberating Buraku and Establishing Human Rights 1995 ?
- Launch of the UN Decade for Human Rights Education (January 1995)
- The Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake and Affected Buraku (January 17 1995)
- Accession to the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (December 1995)
- Proposals of the Consultative Council on Regional Improvement Measures (May 1996)
- Enactment of the Tottori Ordinance for the Development of Society with Full Respect for Human Rights (June 1996)
- Inauguration of the Suiheisha Museum (May 1998)
- Discovery of Discriminatory Personal Background Investigations (June 1998)
- Adoption of the "Resolution on Discrimination Based on Work and Descent" (August 2000)
- Creation of the New Media Human Rights Institute (September 2000)
- The Law on the Promotion of Human Rights Education and Awareness-Raising (December 2000)
- The World Conference against Racism (August-September 2001)
- With the Expiration of the Law on Special Measures, Community Development for Respect for Human Rights is Urged
- Committee Renamed to the Central Standing Committee for Demanding Buraku Liberation and the Establishment of Human Rights Policies (July 2002)
- Demanding Effective Legislation for the Prohibition of Discrimination and the Provision of Remedies to Victims (September 2004)
- "Survey of a Leprosy Village: Annex to Special Buraku Survey" (March 2004)
- Recovery of the Diet Seat for Buraku Liberation after 10 Years (July 2004)
- Message for Buraku Liberation
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