Buraku Liberation News
1st Quarterly, 2006 No.139

Buraku Liberation News is a bimonthly newsletter published by the Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute since 1981.


  1. The Conclusion of the UN Decade for Human Rights Education and the Launching of the World Programme:Action in Japan
  2. From WPHRE to ESD: Opportunities and Challenges for HRE
  3. Historical Legacy of Hyongpyong Movement:Toward a Human Rights City in Jinju
  4. 2004 Nabari City Survey Concerning Human Rights (Part IV)
  5. Discriminatory Events Reflect the Times
  6. Essay -An Embarrassing Story
  7. BLHRRI "Discrimination Based on Work and Descent" Project- 3rd Session

To our Readers: From the year 2005, Buraku Liberation News is publicized quarterly with this issue as the first quarterly for 2005 covering April-May-June. We hope for your continuing subscription.

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