3rd Quarterly, 2005 No.137
Discriminatory Inquiries into the Location of Property
In his address, the Vice Chairperson of BLL Shiga said, "Why do these kinds of incident occur so frequently? We must deeply analyze this trend to find the correct path to the elimination of Buraku discrimination."
The Deputy Secretary of BLL Shiga observed, "Buraku discrimination is directed not only at the people living in Buraku areas, but also at the areas themselves. Exclusion and avoidance result in the unwarranted devaluation of Buraku land. We are witnessing discriminatory incidents such as this one throughout the country. The discriminatory attitudes present in real estate business transactions are supported by Buraku discrimination in society in general. The question is how to dissolve this discriminatory social attitude." The BLL asked the real estate company, industrial associations, and local governments to take concrete action to resolve the issue. The concerned parties in their own observations shared common recognition and observations regarding the details and background of the incident, the factors contributing to it, and the problems relating to it. However, they were vague about their specific plans of action. The BLL requests that the industry and local governments undertake more concrete and effective measures to resolve the issue.