International Workshop and Symposium of Young Scholars Working on "Present Day Buraku Issues"

From July 31 to August 2, 2008

Organized by: Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute
Sponsored by: Commemorative Organization for the Japan World Exposition ('70)

Founded in 1968, the Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute (BLHRRI) has early started international exchanges of information and experiences with various institutions, organizations and individual researchers abroad for the purpose of the solution of Buraku issues from an international perspective. Based on these long-term initiatives taken by us, the BLHRRI believes that it is important to further develop its research efforts with the view of making contributions for the resolution of not only Buraku issues but also other minority issues around the world. For this end, the BLHRRI organized the international workshop and symposium in the summer of 2008 with young researchers who do research works on the themes of Buraku problem and other related issues with the specific purposes listed below. This is the report of these programs.

1. to encourage the work of young researchers who study Buraku issues
1. to promote interdisciplinary exchanges among researchers on Buraku issues.
1. to promote the networking among researchers on Buraku issues
1. to encourage deeper analysis of the Buraku discrimination issue by identifying its uniqueness and commonalities with other human rights issues faced by other different minority populations.


Foreword / TERAKI Nobuaki

Building International Network of Scholars on Buraku Issues / HIRASAWA Yasumasa

International Workshop of Young Scholars Working on "Present Day Buraku Issues"

Session 1 The Social Mechanisms that Produce Minorities

Session 2 Changing Identities of Minorities

Session 3 The Role of the Minority Middle Class

Session 4 Related Important Issues

Symposium "Present Day Buraku Issues from an International Perspective"

International Workshop and Symposium of Young Scholars
Working on "Present Day Buraku Issues"
Issued in November 2008
Published by Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute
1-6-12, Kuboyoshi, Naniwa-ku, Osaka, Japan 556-0028