<事件 No. SAU001/0304/OBS017.3>
- アリ・アル・ドメイニーさん、アブドゥラ・アル・ハマドさん、マトルーク・アル・ファレーさんの心身の安全を保障すること
- 恣意的に拘禁されているアリ・アル・ドメイニーさん、アブドゥラ・アル・ハマドさん、マトルーク・アル・ファレーさんの即時無条件釈放を命じること。
- サウジアラビアにおいて人権の促進保護を目ざす独立した組織を結成する権利を保障すること。
- 1998年12月9日国連総会で採択された人権擁護活動家の保護に関する宣言の条項、とりわけ「すべての人は、人権と基本的自由を国内および国際レベルで促進および保護する権利を、個別におよび集団的に所有する」とした第1条および本文に挙げた第6条の実施を保障すること。
- 世界人権宣言およびその他サウジアラビアが批准した国際人権文書に従い、人権尊重と基本的自由を保障すること。
国王兼首相:His Majesty King Fahd bin `Abdul `Aziz Al-Saud, King and Prime Minister, Office of H.M. The King, Royal Court, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Fax: + 966 1 403 1185
内務大臣:His Royal Highness Prince Naif bin `Abdul `Aziz, Minister of the Interior, Ministry of the Interior, P.O. Box 2933, Airport Road, Riyadh 11134, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Fax: + 966 1 403 1185
外務大臣:His Royal Highness Prince Saud al-Faisal bin `Abdul `Aziz Al-Saud, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nasseriya Street, Riyadh 11124, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Fax: + 966 1 403 0159
法務大臣:His Excellency Dr `Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Ibrahim Al-Sheikh, Minister of Justice, Ministry of Justice, University Street, Riyadh 11137, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Fax: + 966 1 401 1741
国連大使:S.E. Abdulwahab Abdulsalam Attar, Ambassador, Mission of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Rte de Lausanne 263, 1292 Chambesy、Switzerland, e-mail: saudiarabia@ties.itu.int, Fax: +4122 758.00.00
His Majesty King Fahd bin `Abdul `Aziz Al-Saud
King and Prime Minister
Office of H.M. The King, Royal Court, Riyadh,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Your Majesty King Fahd,
I would like to express my concern over the safety of Messrs. Ali Al-Domainy, Abdullah Al-Hamad and Matrouk Al-Faleh, who are human rights activists in your country and were sentenced on May 15, 2005 respectively to nine, seven and six years of imprisonment by the Riyadh Criminal Court. As their detention is arbitrary, I would urge you to order their immediate and unconditional release.
I would also urge you to ensure the right to form independent human rights organisations to promote and protect human rights in Saudi Arabia, and to conform to the provisions of the Declaration on Humans Rights Defenders, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 9, 1998, in particular article 1, which states that "everyone has the right, individually or in association with others, to promote the protection and realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms at the national and international levels" and article 6.b above-mentioned.
I thank you for your kind attention to my request.
Yours very truly,
New information
SAU 001 / 0304 / OBS 017.3
Arbitrary detentions / Sentencing
Saudi Arabia
May 20, 2005
The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), requests your urgent intervention in the following situation in Saudi Arabia.
New information:
The Observatory has been informed by the Egyptian Organisation for Human Rights (EOHR) that Messrs. Ali Al-Domainy, Abdullah Al-Hamad and Matrouk Al-Faleh, three Saoudian human rights activists, were sentenced on May 15, 2005 respectively to nine, seven and six years of imprisonment by the Riyadh Criminal Court.
According to the information received, the hearing was hold behind closed door on the pretext of the necessity of maintaining public order. Only two of their family members were allowed to attend the hearing.
In 2004, Mssrs. Ali Al-Domainy, Abdullah Al-Hamad and Matrouk Al-Faleh had been charged for offending and destabilising the State, opposing the judiciary and disseminating false information.
The Observatory recalls that their defence lawyer, Mr. Abd Al-Rahman Allahim, who was arrested in November 2004, remains in detention in al-Ha'ir prison. He was allegedly charged in January 2005 for violating a pledge that he signed ensuring that he had stop the campaign in favour of political reforms and human rights (See background information).
The Observatory considers their detention as arbitrary since it aims at sanctioning their freedom of expression and association. In particular, their detention contradicts article 6 of the UN Declaration on Humans Rights Defenders, which states that "everyone has the right, individually or in association with others, to study, discuss, form and hold opinions on the observance, both in law and in practice of all human rights and fundamental freedoms and, through these and other appropriate means, to draw public attention to those matters".
Background information:
On March 9, 2004, the Saudi authorities officially reiterated the announcement of the establishment of the National Human Rights Committee (first publicised in May 2003), and that it would be chaired by a president to be appointed by the government. Messrs. Ali Al-Domainy, Abdullah Al-Hamad, Matrouk Al-Faleh, and Abd El-Rahman Allahim together with eight other persons, known for their active involvement in human rights advocacy and the promotion of democratic reform, sharply criticised the lack of independence of this Committee. Short after, they submitted a request for the creation and registration of an independent human rights organisation (see Observatory Annual Report 2004).
On March 15 and 17, 2004, these twelve persons were arrested by Saudi intelligence officers and held in solitary confinement in the Ulayasha prison, in Riyadh. Nine of them were released in the following days after having been forced to sign a pledge that they would cease their campaign in favour of political reforms and human rights. Messrs. Al-Hamad, Al-Faleh and Al-Domayni, who refused to sign the document, remained in custody without access to their lawyers.
On November 6, 2004, Mr. Abd El-Rahman Allahim was again arrested after disclosing to the Agence France Presse (AFP), the letter addressed by his three clients to Prince Abdullah Al-Saud, concerning the arbitrariness of their detention.
The request submitted by the twelve activists to register an independent human rights association was neither acknowledged nor processed.
Action requested:
Please write to the authorities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia urging them to:
- Guarantee, in all circumstances, the psychological and physical integrity of Messrs. Abdullah Al-Hamad, Matrouk Al-Falehj, Ali Al-Domainy and Abd Al-Rahman Allahim;
- Order the immediate and unconditional release of Messrs. Abdullah Al-Hamad, Matrouk Al-Falehj, Ali Al-Domainy and Abd Al-Rahman Allahim, since their detention is arbitrary;
- Ensure the right to form independent human rights organisations to promote and protect human rights in Saudi Arabia;
- Conform to the provisions of the Declaration on Humans Rights Defenders, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 9, 1998, in particular article 1, which states that "everyone has the right, individually or in association with others, to promote the protection and realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms at the national and international levels" and article 6.b above-mentioned;
- Ensure in all circumstances respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with international human rights standards ratified by Saudi Arabia.
- His Majesty King Fahd bin `Abdul `Aziz Al-Saud, King and Prime Minister, Office of H.M. The King, Royal Court, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Fax: + 966 1 403 1185
- His Royal Highness Prince Naif bin `Abdul `Aziz, Minister of the Interior, Ministry of the Interior, P.O. Box 2933, Airport Road, Riyadh 11134, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Fax: + 966 1 403 1185
- His Royal Highness Prince Saud al-Faisal bin `Abdul `Aziz Al-Saud, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nasseriya Street, Riyadh 11124, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Fax: + 966 1 403 0159
- His Excellency Dr `Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Ibrahim Al-Sheikh, Minister of Justice, Ministry of Justice, University Street, Riyadh 11137, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Fax: + 966 1 401 1741
- S.E. Abdulwahab Abdulsalam Attar, Ambassador, Mission of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Rte de Lausanne 263, 1292 Chambesy, e-mail: saudiarabia@ties.itu.int, Fax: +4122 758.00.00
Paris - Geneva, May 20, 2005