Case ARG 260906
Presumed forced disappearance
The International Secretariat of the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) requests your VERY URGENT intervention in the following situation in Argentina.
Brief description of the situation:
The International Secretariat of OMCT is profoundly preoccupied by the information it has received from various reliable sources, including the Latin-American Federation of Associations of the Families of Disappeared Detainees (Federaci n Latinoamericana de Asociaciones de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos - FEDEFAM), about the presumed forced disappearance of Mr. Jorge Julio L pez. Mr. L pez is a former disappeared and detainee, and a key witness in the trial of former policeman Mr. Miguel Osvaldo Etchecolatz for crimes against humanity committed during Argentina's last military government (1976-1983).
According to the information received, Mr. Jorge Julio L pez, a 76 year-old bricklayer, disappeared on September 18, 2006, when he was leaving his house in Los Hornos for the town hall of the municipality of La Plata, where he was scheduled to witness the arguments of the lawsuit against Mr. Miguel Osvaldo Etchecolatz, former director general of the Investigations of the Bonaerense (Investigaciones de la Bonaerense). That day, Mr. L pez did not present himself to his court appearance, and at the time of releasing this appeal, no one - not even his family or friends - received any news of him, his whereabouts, or his personal integrity.
Reports indicate that that same day, an habeas corpus was presented to the Court, and since then, an arduous search is under way in the city of La Plata. Moreover, on September 19, 2006, a report on the presumed disappearance of Mr. L pez was presented to the Ministry of Security of Bonaerense (Ministerio de Seguridad Bonaerense), the Secretary of Human Rights of the Nation (Secretar a de los Derechos Humanos de la Naci n), and the media.
According to the information received, Mr. L pez testified on his kidnapping of October 1976, which was carried out by a gang of which Mr. Miguel Osvaldo Etchecolatz was a member. After the kidnapping, Mr. L pez was a disappeared-detainee in the clandestine centres of the Police Detachment of Arana (Destacamento Policial de Arana), “Pozo de Arana”, and the Fifth Police Station of La Plata (Comisar a Quinta de La Plata).
The International Secretariat of OMCT condemns this new grave violation of fundamental rights and fears that the presume forced disappearance of Mr. Jorge Julio L pez is closely linked to his activities as a witness in the crimes against humanity committed during the military dictatorship.
The OMCT calls upon Argentina authorities to take the necessary measures to locate Mr. Jorge Julio L pez and to guarantee his security and his physical and psychological integrity, as well as that of other witnesses and their respective family members involved in the trial of Mr. Miguel Osvaldo Etchecolatz, and of other people who are involved in cases of torture and crimes committed during the dictatorship.
Actions required:
Kindly write to the authorities of Argentina urging them to:
i. take appropriate measures to locate Mr. Jorge Julio L pez' whereabouts and to guarantee his security and physical and psychological integrity, including access to adequate and free medical attention he may need;
ii. take appropriate measures to guarantee the security and physical and psychological integrity of all other witnesses and members of their respective families involved in the trial against Mr. Miguel Osvaldo Etchecolatz and other people involved in cases of torture and crimes committed during the dictatorship;
iii. carry out an independent, immediate, exhaustive and impartial investigation into the presumed forced disappearance of Mr. Jorge Julio L pez, in order to identify those responsible, bring them to a competent, independent, just and impartial tribunal, and apply the penal and/or administrative sanctions stipulated by law;
iv. more generally, to conform its actions with the content of the international instruments, pacts and conventions ratified by Argentina, including the UN Convention Against Torture.
Sr. Embajador Alberto J. Dumont, Misi n Permanente de Argentina ante las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra, Route de l'A roport 10, Case postale 536, 1215 Ginebra 15, Suiza, Fax: +41 22 798 59 95 / +4122.798.19 92, E-mail:
Sr. Jorge Remes-Lenikov, Embajador de Argentina en Bruselas, Louisalaan 225, bus 3, 1050 Brussel. T l.: + 32(0)2/647.78.12, +32(0)2/647.90.02, Fax: +32(0)2/647.93.19;
Sr. N stor Carlos Kirchner, Presidente de la Rep blica Argentina, Casa Rosada, 24 Balcarce,
Buenos Aires, Argentina, AAB1064, Fax: + 5411.434.43800 Fax : +54 114.344.38.45 / + 544.344.38.47;
Dr. Anibal Fern ndez, Ministro del Interior, Fax: +54 114.339.08.00;
Dr. Alberto Iribarne, Ministro de Justicia y Derechos Humanos, Fax: +54 114.328.61.48.
Please also write to Argentina embassies in your respective countries.
Geneva, September 26, 2006