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No.4012 ロシア:政治活動のために恣意的に拘禁されていた人が釈放されました。

(ジュネーブ発 1月3日)



SOS トーチャー国際事務局は信頼できる情報筋より、2007年12月25日にアルツォム・バシロフさん(30歳)が釈放されたという情報を入手しました。バシロフさんは教育学院史学科の学生で、マリエル共和国(ロシア連邦の構成主体の一つ)の連立政党の報道官として「別のロシア」という活動に積極的に参加していましたが、2007年11月23日に精神病院に強制的に収容されていました。この拘禁についても今回の釈放についても正式な説明は何もありません。








SOS トーチャー国際事務局は緊急要請に応じて行動して下さった個人および団体の皆さまにお礼申し上げます。この事件に関してこれ以上の行動要請はありません。

(1)  2007年11月29日付SOS トーチャー国際事務局プレスリリース参照

Case RUS 121207.1
Follow-up of case RUS 121207
Geneva, 3 January 2008

The International Secretariat of the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) has received new information about the following situation in the Russian Federation.

New Information

The International Secretariat of OMCT has been informed by a reliable source of the release, on 25 December 2007, of Mr. Artyom Basyrov, a 30-year-old student of the History Faculty of the Pedagogical Institute and reportedly actively involved in the activities of ≪The Other Russia≫ as a press person of the coalition in Mary El Republic (administrative entity within the Russian Federation), from the psychiatric hospital where he was allegedly forcefully interned since 23 November 2007. No official explanation was reportedly given as to the reason of his detention and subsequent release.

Reminder of the situation

According to the information received, on 23 November 2007, at around 01:30 p.m., two young men in civilian clothes stopped Mr. Artyom Basyrov on his way home in Joshkar Ola (approximately 750 km from Moscow). They reportedly asked him whether he was registered on the books of the psychoneurological centre what he would have confirmed. Mr. Artyom Basyrov reportedly faced a depression one year and half ago and was recommended to undergo medical treatment in that psychoneurological centre. They then allegedly put him immediately into their car and drove him to the town psychoneurological centre without showing any documents or IDs.

According to the same information, the administration of the hospital denied any family's visits and refused to give any information as to the reasons of Mr. Artyom Basyrov's detention in the hospital. According to his relatives, authorities had no grounds to put him in the hospital by force. Furthermore, his relatives were reportedly not informed about his detention and enforced treatment. Mr. Artyom Basyrov reportedly managed to reach his brother once at the centre but was then transferred to a specialised clinic located outside the town. A medical commission was reportedly held on 26 November 2007, while it should have been held within 48 hours. The commission allegedly decided that Mr. Artyom Basyrov would have to be subjected to enforced treatment due to symptoms that would be developing. The court session reportedly upheld this decision on 27 November 2007.

On 6 December 2007, Mr. Artyom Basyrov's lawyer reportedly managed to visit him at the hospital. Mr. Artyom Basyrov reportedly strongly objected being held in the hospital and was already under strong medication. His lawyer tried to inquire with the chief of the hospital department why Mr. Artyom Basyrov's brother was being denied access and informed the doctor of the intention to appeal his enforced treatment. Apparently, the doctor would have said that he "expressed doubts that the lawyer would manage to change the course of things". According to the doctor, the only reason why his brother could not see Mr. Artyom Basyrov was because he was in the admission department of the hospital and that his situation was under review at that time. He reportedly informed that Mr. Artyom Basyrov's brother would be allowed to meet with him after his transfer to the main department.

Mr. Artyom Basyrov's lawyer reportedly appealed the court ruling upholding Mr. Artyom Basyrov's enforced treatment before the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mary El but the date of the hearing has not been fixed yet.

They were fears that the forced psychiatric interment of Mr. Artyom Basyrov was politically motivated. According to the same information, on 14 November 2007, along with another "The Other Russia" supporter, Mr. Mikhail Kluzhev, they sent a notification to the city administration to hold a march of the dissent in Joshkar Ola[1]. The following day, they reportedly received a negative response from the administration. They would also have received an official warning signed by the Chief of the Ministry of the Interior, Mr. Morozov, not to hold illegal rallies in Joshkar Ola on 24 November 2007 after which they decided not to hold the march. According to the same information, on 22 November 2007, Mr. Mikhail Kluzhev was assaulted when he was coming home from work. The assaulters reportedly vanished but the police allegedly turned up immediately and detained Mr. Mikhail Kluzhev. He was then reportedly sentenced to three days administrative detention.


OMCT wishes to thank all of the individuals and organisations that have taking action as a response to the urgent appeal. No further action is currently required on your part concerning this case.

Geneva, 3 January 2008

[1] See OMCT press release of 29 November 2007.