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<事件 No.EGY130605.1 VAW>
<事件 No.EGY130605.VAW>の続報



(ジュネーブ発 08月03日)





  1. アビール・アーメド・ハッサン
  2. ハニー・イシャク・スマーン
  3. シャイマ・アブエル・ヘイル・スレイマン





  1. 上記女性たちの心身の安全を保障すること。
  2. 責任者を特定し、裁判に付し、法律に基づき刑事罰あるいは行政罰を適用するために、性的攻撃およびその後に続く治安部隊からの脅迫や威嚇に対して、綿密で中立の調査を実施するよう命じること。
  3. 犠牲者に適切な補償が提供されるよう保障すること。
  4. 国内法および国際人権基準に基づき、国内全体における人権尊重と基本的自由を保障すること。


ムバラク大統領:His Excellency Mohammad Hosni Mubarak, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Abedine Palace, Cairo, Egypt, E-mail: webmaster@presidency.gov.eg, Fax:+202 390 1998

内務大臣:His Excellency General Habib al-Adeli, Minister of the Interior, Ministry of the Interior, Al-Sheikh Rihan Street, Bab al-Louk, Cairo, Egypt, E-mail: moi@idsc.gov.eg, Fax: +202 579 2031

法務大臣:His Excellency Mr. Faruq Sayf al-Nasr, Minister of Justice, Ministry of Justice, Midan Lazoghly, Cairo, Egypt, E-mail: mojeb@idsc.gov.eg, Fax: +202 795 8103

検事:Counsellor Maher 'Abd al-Wahid, Public Prosecutor, Dar al-Qadha al-'Ali, Ramses Street, Cairo, Egypt, Fax: +202 577 4716

国連大使:Ambassadeur Gabr, Naela, Av. Blanc 49 (2eme), CH-1202, Geneve, Suisse, E-mail: mission.egypt@ties.itu.int, fax: +4122 738 44 15

エジプト・アラブ共和国大使館:Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Japan, 〒153-0042 目黒区青葉台1丁目5-4, 特命全権大使:ヒシャーム・ムハンマド・ムスタファ・バドル 閣下, His Excellency Mr. Hisham Mohamed Mostafa BADR,



His Excellency Mohammad Hosni Mubarak
President of the Arab Republic of Egypt
Abedine Palace, Cairo

Dear President Mubarak,

I am writing you to express my concern over the report of three women named below who have been assaulted, chased and intimidated by the security force members.

They are:

  1. Abeer Ahmed Hassan
  2. Hany Isshaq Sumaan
  3. Shaymaa Abu el Kheir Suleiman

I would like to urge you to guarantee the physical and psychological integrity of the women mentioned above; to order a thorough and impartial investigation into the circumstances of the sexual assaults and subsequent threats and intimidation from security officials, in order to identify those responsible, bring them to trial and apply the penal and/or administrative sanctions as provided by law; to guarantee that adequate reparation is provided to the victims; and to guarantee the respect of human rights and the fundamental freedoms throughout the country in accordance with national laws and international human rights standards.

I thank you for your kind attention to my request.

Very faithfully yours,


Case EGY 130605.1 VAW
Follow-up to EGY 130605 VAW
Sexual Assault and Intimidation

Geneva, 3 August 2005

The International Secretariat of OMCT requests your URGENT intervention in the following situation in Egypt.

New Information

The International Secretariat of OMCT has been informed by Arab Center for the Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession (ACIJLP), a member of the OMCT Network, that the Attorney General has failed to announce the results of inquiries into the events which occurred during the Article 76 Referendum demonstrations that took place on 25 May 2005.

Brief Reminder of the Situation

According to the information received from ACIJLP three women were sexually assaulted and one man was physically assaulted, while they were at a demonstration about the Article 76 Amendment Referendum. Although the prosecution office has initiated investigations, victims and witnesses continue to be threatened and intimidated by security forces. ACIJLP has received complaints from the following three women whom were sexually assaulted during the demonstrations:

  1. Abeer Ahmed Hassan
  2. Hany Isshaq Sumaan
  3. Shaymaa Abu el Kheir Suleiman

Members of the security forces have reportedly followed, harassed and monitored the movements of these women and their families. Furthermore, according to the information received, the security forces are pressuring these women to change their statements.

The International Secretariat of OMCT expresses its deep concern over the ill-treatment of these persons by members of the security forces and the failure of the Attorney General to release the findings of the inquiries.

Action requested

Please write to the authorities in Egypt urging them to:

  1. Guarantee the physical and psychological integrity of the women mentioned above;
  2. Order a thorough and impartial investigation into the circumstances of the sexual assaults and subsequent threats and intimidation from security officials, in order to identify those responsible, bring them to trial and apply the penal and/or administrative sanctions as provided by law;
  3. Guarantee that adequate reparation is provided to the victims;
  4. Guarantee the respect of human rights and the fundamental freedoms throughout the country in accordance with national laws and international human rights standards.


  • President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, His Excellency Mohammad Hosni Mubarak, Abedine Palace, Cairo, Egypt, E-mail: webmaster@presidency.gov.eg, Fax:+202 390 1998
  • Minister of the Interior, His Excellency General Habib al-Adeli, Ministry of the Interior, Al-Sheikh Rihan Street, Bab al-Louk, Cairo, Egypt, E-mail: moi@idsc.gov.eg, Fax: +202 579 2031
  • Minister of Justice, His Excellency Mr Faruq Sayf al-Nasr, Ministry of Justice, Midan Lazoghly, Cairo, Egypt, E-mail: mojeb@idsc.gov.eg, Fax: +202 795 8103
  • Public Prosecutor, Counsellor Maher 'Abd al-Wahid, Dar al-Qadha al-'Ali, Ramses Street, Cairo, Egypt, Fax: +202 577 4716
  • Ambassadeur Gabr, Naela, Av. Blanc 49 (2eme), CH-1202, Geneve, Suisse, e-mail: mission.egypt@ties.itu.int, fax: +4122 738 44 15

Please also write to the embassies of Egypt in your respective country.

Geneva, 3 August 2005.